Start 'em off Straight!

Interceptive Orthodontics

Interceptive orthodontics is the process of identifying malocclusions (crowded or crooked teeth or bite problems) and actively intervening to guide the teeth as they emerge into the mouth. This type of early orthodontic treatment sets your growing child up for success and may help prevent more extensive treatment later.

Orthodontic problems are often caused by habits such as thumb sucking, lip biting, tongue thrust, and low tongue posture due to tongue tie or mouth breathing. Our in-house myofunctional therapists help your child to gain proper oral habits and correct mouth breathing and tongue posture. We also work hand-in-hand with orthodontists (the specialists for diagnosing and treating malocclusions) to help your child achieve the best smile possible.

dad daughter son smiling
lost tooth

Space Maintainers

When a baby tooth in the back part of the mouth is lost too early, usually as a result of removal from extensive tooth decay, a space maintainer may be required. A space maintainer will hold the empty space open until the permanent tooth takes its natural position in the child’s mouth. Early loss of a baby tooth without a space maintainer results in the remaining baby teeth drifting into the space to fill the gap. Space maintainers prevent this and they often prevent the need for future costly orthodontic treatment.

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Monday-Friday with variable times to accommodate all of our patients.
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Office Hours

Monday-Friday with variable times to accommodate all of our patients.

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